Tuesdays of Regen Survey

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Thank you for participating in Tuesdays of Regen at Quinta Vale da Lama, sponsored by Mud Valley Institute. We hope you had an inspiring experience with us.

Please complete this survey so that we can continue to improve the program.

My Tuesdays of Regen visit helped me gain useful knowledge or experience.
How would you rate your level of satisfaction with your Tuesdays of Regen experience?

Personal Information

Please share your personal information to help with our reporting.

We will use this data for reporting and analytical purposes, so that we can continue to improve the Tuesdays of Regen program.

Where do you live?
I give permission to Mud Valley Institute and/or Quinta Vale da Lama to use my answer(s) to this survey for marketing purposes (e.g. website, social media, etc.)

Your survey cannot be completed without your consent. See our privacy policy to learn about how we collect, process, and manage your data.
